About Us
AdsAfrica is an online market place where advertisers can sell their ads to publishers who will inturn return traffic to the advertisers. Advertisers just need to submit their ads and configure their target audience and budget using AdsAfrica advertiser account. Publishers need to generate adcodes of desired dimensions using AdsAfrica publisher account. Ad selling and traffic exchange are automatically handled by the highly sophisticated AdsAfrica platform.

Gain access to our wide-scale network.

Create your ads and generate top quality leads to your websites. Your ads will be served in our enormous publisher network thereby ensuring widespread reach for your online business.
Create text or banner ads
Keyword & geographic targeting
Payments using Paypal, 2co, check, bank

Gain access to our wide-scale network.

With 1 billion users worldwide, your ads will get the exposure
they deserve. As one of the largest publisher marketplace, we provide you with the infrastructure to achieve success.
Cherry Red
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